How to Spot Clean Electric Blanket

how to spot clean your electric blanket

Electric blankets are a cozy addition to any bedroom during the colder months, providing warmth and comfort on chilly nights. But like any bedding item, electric blankets can become dirty and require cleaning.

While washing an electric blanket in a washing machine is not always recommended, spot-cleaning is a safe and effective way to remove stains and maintain the longevity of your electric blanket.

In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to spot-clean your electric blanket, including the necessary materials, safety precautions, and tips for maintaining your electric blanket. These simple instructions can keep your electric blanket clean and cozy for many seasons to come.

So, when do you spot clean or machine wash an electric blanket?

When it comes to washing your electric blanket, you may wonder whether to spot-clean or machine-wash it. The answer depends on the type of stain or dirt on your blanket, as well as the manufacturer’s instructions.

Spot cleaning is suitable for small stains or dirt on specific areas of the blanket. This method involves using a mild cleaning solution and a clean cloth to gently rub the affected area. Be sure to avoid using too much water, as this can damage the electrical components and cause a safety risk.

On the other hand, if your electric blanket is heavily soiled or has a strong odor, you may need to wash it in a washing machine. Before doing so, be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions on whether the blanket is machine washable and what settings to use.

The decision to spot clean or machine wash your electric blanket depends on the type and severity of the dirt or stain. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and take necessary safety precautions when washing your electric blanket. By doing so, you can keep it clean and fresh for years to come.

Preparing to Spot Clean an Electric Blanket

Before beginning the spot-cleaning process, it’s important to take a few steps to prepare your electric blanket. This will ensure that the spot-cleaning process goes smoothly and that your electric blanket is not damaged in any way.

First, get the necessary materials. You’ll need a clean cloth, a mild cleaning solution (such as water and vinegar or dish soap), and a spray bottle. Make sure the cloth you choose is gentle and won’t damage your electric blanket’s surface.

Next, unplug the electric blanket from the power source. This is an important safety measure to prevent any electrical accidents while you’re cleaning your blanket. Double-check that your blanket is unplugged and detach the controller unit before proceeding.

Lastly, inspect the electric blanket for any damages. If you notice any frayed wires, tears, or other damages, do not attempt to spot-clean the blanket yourself. Instead, take it to a professional for repairs. Trying to spot-clean a damaged electric blanket can cause further damage or create safety hazards.

These simple steps before the spot-cleaning process will ensure that your electric blanket is ready for cleaning and that you’re not putting yourself or your blanket at risk.

Spot Cleaning an Electric Blanket

Now that you’ve gathered your materials and inspected your electric blanket, it’s time to begin spot-cleaning. Follow these simple steps to easily spot-clean your electric blanket and keep it looking and smelling fresh.

#1. Identify the spot that needs cleaning

Examine your electric blanket closely to locate the spot or stain that needs cleaning. It’s important to only spot-clean the affected area, as immersing the entire blanket in water can cause damage to the electrical components.

#2. Apply the cleaning solution

Spray a small amount of your mild cleaning solution onto the spot or stain. Be careful not to saturate the blanket with too much liquid.

#3. Blot the spot with a clean cloth

Gently blot or wipe the spot with a clean cloth, starting from the outside and working your way in. This will help prevent the stain from spreading further.

#4. Repeat the process until the spot is removed

If the spot or stain is still visible, repeat the above steps until it’s removed. Be patient, as it may take several attempts to fully remove the stain.

#5. Let the blanket dry completely

After you’ve finished spot-cleaning, let your electric blanket air dry completely. Do not use high heat to dry the blanket, as this can cause damage to the electrical components.

Remember to be gentle when blotting the spot and to use a mild cleaning solution to avoid damaging your blanket.

Cleaning an Electric Blanket in a Washing Machine

While spot-cleaning is the recommended method for cleaning an electric blanket, you may still need to wash your blanket in a washing machine from time to time. If your electric blanket is machine washable, avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can damage the fabric and electrical components.

Also, never use a dryer or high heat to dry the blanket, as this can cause shrinkage or damage to the electrical components.

Follow these simple steps to safely and effectively wash your electric blanket in a washing machine:

#1. Check the care instructions

Before washing your electric blanket in a washing machine, check the care instructions on the label. Some electric blankets are not designed to be machine-washed, and doing so can damage the electrical components.

#2. Place the blanket in a mesh laundry bag

To protect your electric blanket during the wash cycle, place it in a mesh laundry bag. This will help prevent the wires from getting tangled and protect the blanket from any damage.

#3. Use a gentle cycle and cold water

When washing your electric blanket, use a gentle cycle and cold water. Avoid using hot water or a high spin cycle, as this can damage the electrical components of the blanket.

#4. Use a mild detergent

Choose a mild detergent to wash your electric blanket. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can damage the blanket’s surface and electrical components.

#5. Air dry the blanket

After washing your electric blanket, air dry it completely before using it again. Avoid tumble drying the blanket, as the high heat can damage the electrical components.

Remember to always check the care instructions before washing and to use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent.

Safety Precautions When Cleaning an Electric Blanket

Cleaning your electric blanket can be an effective way to keep it fresh and hygienic. However, it’s important to take certain safety precautions to avoid damaging the electrical components and ensure your safety.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind so that you can clean your electric blanket safely and effectively:

1. Unplug the blanket before cleaning. Before cleaning your electric blanket, make sure it’s unplugged from the electrical outlet. This will ensure your safety and prevent any electrical shocks.

2. Don’t immerse the blanket in water. Never immerse your electric blanket in water, as this can damage the electrical components and pose a safety risk. Instead, spot-clean the affected areas or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing the blanket in a washing machine.

3. Use a mild cleaning solution

When spot-cleaning your electric blanket, use a mild cleaning solution to avoid damaging the fabric and electrical components. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can cause damage to the blanket.

4. Don’t use high heat to dry the blanket

When drying your electric blanket, avoid using high heat or a tumble dryer. High heat can damage the electrical components and cause the blanket to shrink or melt. Instead, air-dry the blanket completely before using it again.

5. Store the blanket properly

After cleaning your electric blanket, store it properly in a cool and dry place. Avoid folding or creasing the blanket, as this can damage the electrical components.

In conclusion, spot-cleaning your electric blanket is a quick and easy way to keep it fresh and clean. Remember to use a mild cleaning solution, avoid immersing the blanket in water, and air dry it completely before using it again. If you need to wash your electric blanket in a washing machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take necessary safety precautions.

If you’re experiencing any electric blanket problems, be sure to check out our guide on how to fix common electric blanket problems. With these simple tips, you can keep your electric blanket in great condition and enjoy a cozy, comfortable night’s sleep. So don’t hesitate to read our guide and learn how to troubleshoot and fix any issues you may encounter with your electric blanket.