Levoit Air Purifier Display Not Working? (Try This)

levoit air purifier display not working

Levoit is a renowned brand known for their high-quality air purifiers designed to improve indoor air quality. While their air purifiers are known for their reliability, occasional levoit air purifier display not working can occur due to various factors.

If you’re facing the problem of a Levoit air purifier display not working, this guide is here to help you understand the possible causes and provide troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.

We will explore troubleshooting steps that can be taken to address the issue, such as power cycling the unit, checking power supply and connections, adjusting display settings, performing a factory reset, updating software or firmware, and inspecting for physical damage.

Let’s get started and restore the functionality of your air purifier’s display!

Common Causes of Levoit Air Purifier Display Not Working

When faced with a Levoit air purifier display not working, it’s important to understand the common causes so that you can narrow down the possibilities and proceed with the appropriate troubleshooting steps.

1. Power supply issues

One of the primary reasons for a non-working display is a power supply problem. Ensure that the air purifier is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet and that the power cord is securely connected. Additionally, check if there are any power interruptions or fluctuations that could affect the display.

2. Display settings and adjustments

Sometimes, the display may appear to be not working due to incorrect settings or adjustments. Check the display brightness settings and ensure that it is not set to the lowest level or turned off completely. Refer to the user manual to understand how to navigate and adjust the display settings on your specific Levoit air purifier model.

3. Software or firmware glitches

Like any electronic device, air purifiers may experience software or firmware issues that can affect the display. Check if there are any available software or firmware updates for your Levoit air purifier. Updating these components can often resolve display-related problems and improve overall performance.

4. Physical damage or defects

Physical damage, such as a cracked or broken display panel, can cause the display to stop working. Inspect the display for any visible signs of damage. Additionally, check for any loose connections or internal defects that may affect the display’s functionality.

Troubleshooting Steps for Levoit Air Purifier Display Not Working

Follow these steps in order to diagnose and resolve the issue of a non-working display on your Levoit air purifier.

Step 1: Power cycle the air purifier

Turn off the air purifier and unplug it from the power source. Wait for about 30 seconds before plugging it back in.

Turn on the air purifier and check if the display is now functioning.

Step 2: Check the power supply and connections

Ensure that the air purifier is plugged into a working power outlet. Inspect the power cord for any signs of damage or loose connections.

Try using a different power outlet or power cord to eliminate potential power supply issues.

Step 3: Adjust display settings and brightness

Access the display settings menu on your Levoit air purifier. Increase the brightness level to ensure the display is visible.

Confirm that the display is not set to “off” or “sleep” mode.

Step 4: Reset the air purifier to factory settings

Refer to the user manual to find the instructions for performing a factory reset.

Performing a reset can help resolve software or firmware glitches that may be affecting the display.

Step 5: Update the software or firmware

Check the Levoit website or contact customer support to see if there are any available software or firmware updates for your air purifier model. Follow the provided instructions to update the software or firmware.

Updating these components can often fix display-related issues and improve overall performance.

Step 6: Check for physical damage or defects

Examine the display panel for any visible signs of physical damage or cracks. Inspect the connections between the display and the main unit for any loose or disconnected wires.

If you notice any damage or defects, contact Levoit customer support for further assistance.

Care and Maintenance Tips

Taking proactive measures to maintain your Levoit air purifier can not only extend its lifespan but also help prevent display-related issues.

Here are some preventive maintenance tips to keep in mind:

1. Regular cleaning and maintenance

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning your air purifier regularly. Dust and debris can accumulate on the display, affecting its visibility and performance.

Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the display and other surfaces of the air purifier. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the display.

2. Avoid extreme temperatures and humidity

Keep your air purifier in an environment with stable temperatures and moderate humidity levels. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can affect the internal components, including the display. Avoid placing the air purifier near heat sources or in areas prone to excessive moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens.

3. Protect from physical damage

Take precautions to protect your air purifier from physical damage. Avoid placing objects on top of the air purifier that could potentially fall and damage the display. If you need to move the air purifier, handle it carefully to prevent any impacts or jolts that could affect the internal components.

4. Keep software or firmware up to date

Stay informed about any software or firmware updates released by Levoit for your air purifier model. Regularly check the manufacturer’s website or contact customer support to see if there are any available updates.

Keeping the software or firmware up to date can improve the overall performance and stability of your air purifier, including the display functionality.

5. Filter maintenance

Regularly check and clean or replace the filters in your air purifier as recommended by the manufacturer. Clogged or dirty filters can impact the overall performance of the air purifier, including the display. Follow the instructions provided in the user manual to properly clean or replace the filters.

6. Keep the air purifier in a well-ventilated area

Ensure that there is ample space around the air purifier for proper air circulation. Placing the air purifier in a congested or enclosed space can lead to overheating and potentially affect the display and other components. Maintain a clear space around the unit to facilitate optimal airflow.

7. Schedule professional servicing

Consider scheduling periodic professional servicing for your Levoit air purifier. A qualified technician can thoroughly inspect and clean the internal components, including the display, ensuring optimal performance. This can help identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

8. Read and retain the user manual

The user manual provided by Levoit contains valuable information specific to your air purifier model. It includes instructions for maintenance, troubleshooting, and important safety guidelines. Read the manual thoroughly and keep it in a safe place for future reference.

9. Monitor the air purifier’s performance

Regularly monitor the performance of your air purifier, including its display. Pay attention to any changes in the display’s brightness, visibility, or functionality. Promptly address any issues that arise to prevent them from worsening or affecting the overall operation of the air purifier.

Related post: Common Dyson Air Purifier Error Codes and How To Fix Them.

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and preventive maintenance tips outlined in this guide but are still unable to resolve the display issue, it is recommended to contact Levoit customer support for further assistance. They are equipped to provide specific guidance and address any concerns you may have.

Remember, a properly functioning display is essential for monitoring air quality, adjusting settings, and ensuring optimal performance of your Levoit air purifier. By staying proactive and maintaining your air purifier, you can enjoy clean and purified air in your living space.