5 Myths About Electric Blanket And Their Truth

Are you considering purchasing an electric blanket but hesitant due to myths and misconceptions you’ve heard? You’re not alone. Electric blankets have been around for decades, yet many people still hold onto common misconceptions about their safety, cost, and potential health risks.

Let’s debunk some of the most persistent electric blanket myths and provide helpful information to help you make an informed decision about whether an electric blanket is right for you.

Myth #1: Electric blankets are dangerous

One of the most persistent myths about electric blankets is that they are dangerous to use. Some people worry about the risk of electrocution or fire hazard when using an electric blanket. However, the reality is that modern electric blankets are designed with safety features that greatly reduce the risk of these incidents occurring.

If you’re looking into getting an electric blanket here are some key facts to consider before settling on the one to buy:

1. Electric blankets are UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certified, meaning they meet strict safety standards.

2. Electric blankets are equipped with safety features such as automatic shut-off switches that turn off the blanket if it overheats or malfunctions.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the incidence of electric blanket-related injuries and accidents is extremely low.

Of course, it’s important to use electric blankets responsibly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe use. For example, you should avoid using an electric blanket with a damaged cord or controller and never place objects on top of the blanket while it’s in use.

By following the manufacturer precaution, you can rest assured that your electric blanket is safe to use and enjoy its benefits without worrying about potential safety risks.

Myth #2: Electric blankets are expensive to use

Another common myth about electric blankets is that they are expensive to use, and can lead to high electricity bills. The truth about this is that most modern electric blankets use low-voltage technology, which consumes less electricity than older models.

Also, electric blankets are designed to be used for short periods of time, usually around 15-30 minutes before going to bed. This means they don’t need to be left on all night, which can save energy.

Many electric blankets come with energy-saving features such as programmable timers, which allow you to set a specific time for the blanket to turn off automatically.

Here are some additional tips to reduce energy costs when using an electric blanket:

  • Set your thermostat to a lower temperature when using an electric blanket, as the blanket will provide additional warmth.
  • Use your electric blanket in conjunction with warm clothing and blankets, which can help you stay warm without relying solely on the electric blanket.
  • Unplug your electric blanket when it’s not in use, as even in standby mode it can consume a small amount of energy.

Myth #3: Electric blankets can cause cancer

There has been some concern that electric blankets may cause cancer due to the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) they generate. However, the evidence on this topic is inconclusive and conflicting.

Studies investigating the link between electric blankets and cancer have produced conflicting results on this. Some studies have suggested a possible link, while others have found no evidence of a connection. You can read more on this from this study done by US National Center for Biotechnology Information.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has also stated that the evidence on the health effects of EMFs is still uncertain and that more research is needed.

While the evidence on the potential health risks of electric blankets is inconclusive, it’s important to take precautionary measures to minimize your exposure to EMFs.

Here are some tips you can follow for reducing your exposure to EMF to use your electric blanket safely and with peace of mind:

  • Limit your use of electric blankets and other EMF-generating devices.
  • Keep a safe distance from your electric blanket while it’s in use, and avoid placing it directly on your body.
  • Choose an electric blanket with low EMF emissions, as some models are designed to emit less electromagnetic waves than others.

Many modern electric blankets are designed with low-voltage technology, which reduces the amount of EMFs they emit. In fact, some models are specifically marketed as “EMF-free” or “low-EMF” blankets. If you’re concerned about EMFs, you can position your electric blanket away from your body or use it only for a short period of time before going to sleep.

Myth #4: Electric blankets can interfere with sleep

Some people worry that using an electric blanket may interfere with their sleep, either by making them too warm or they can be uncomfortable because of the wiring.

The reality is that electric blankets can actually be beneficial for sleep in some cases. For instance, electric blankets can help regulate body temperature and promote relaxation, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

It’s important to note that everyone’s sleep preferences and habits are different, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, many people find that using an electric blanket can be a helpful for improving their sleep quality and comfort.

For comfort, it’s best to experiment with different settings and usage patterns to find the best way to incorporate an electric blanket into your sleep routine.

Here are some additional tips for maximizing the benefits of your electric blanket for sleep:

  • Use your electric blanket in combination with other sleep-promoting techniques, such as meditation, relaxation exercises, or aromatherapy.
  • Choose an electric blanket with a comfortable, soft texture that feels soothing against your skin.
  • Do not use an electric blanket at excessively high temperatures, as this can be a fire hazard.

Myth #5: Electric blankets are only for winter use

Many people believe that electric blankets are only useful during the cold winter months when temperatures are low. But, electric blankets can actually be useful outside of the winter season for a variety of reasons such as:

1. Temperature regulation. Electric blankets can be used to regulate body temperature during all seasons, not just winter. They can be especially useful during transitional seasons such as spring and fall when temperatures can fluctuate widely.

2. Pain relief. Electric blankets can provide soothing warmth to help relieve muscle and joint pain, which can occur year-round.

3. Cozy comfort. Even during warmer months, some people enjoy the cozy comfort of an electric blanket while relaxing or sleeping.

While electric blankets are certainly useful during the winter season, their benefits extend far beyond just keeping you warm during cold nights. By using them throughout the year, you can enjoy their many benefits for comfort, pain relief, and temperature regulation.

If you’re considering purchasing an electric blanket, don’t let these myths hinder your experience with electric blankets. Embrace the truth and discover the full potential of this cozy invention.

Read our next blog where we share essential tips for storing your electric blanket when not in use. Proper storage ensures its longevity, allowing you to enjoy warmth and comfort for years to come.