Sunbeam Heated Blanket Flashing Red Light After Washing

heated blanket flashing red after washing

Sunbeam heated blankets are renowned for their cozy warmth and popularity among users. However, a common issue that arises is a flashing red light after washing the blanket.

Let’s the explore the causes behind this problem, effective troubleshooting methods, and preventative measures to maintain your Sunbeam heated blanket. Join us as we uncover the mystery of the flashing red light issue and ensure the longevity of your beloved blanket.

Why Sunbeam Heated Blanket Flashing Red After Washing

If you’ve noticed your Sunbeam heated blanket flashing a red light after washing, you might be wondering what’s causing this issue. Don’t worry, we’re here to shed some light on the matter and provide helpful insights. Let’s explore the possible reasons behind this occurrence:

1. Moisture Detection Feature. One potential cause for the flashing red light is the built-in moisture detection feature. Sunbeam heated blankets are designed to detect excess moisture, and if the blanket absorbs more water than it can handle during the washing process, this feature might activate as a safety measure.

2. Incorrect Washing Procedure. It’s important to follow the proper washing instructions for your Sunbeam heated blanket. Using harsh detergents, washing at high heat settings, or failing to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines can lead to internal damage, triggering the flashing red light.

3. Electrical Malfunction. While less common, an electrical malfunction could be behind the flashing red light issue. This could be caused by a faulty connection, damaged wiring, or other internal problems. However, it’s worth noting that such instances are usually the result of mishandling or significant wear and tear.

Now that we have a better understanding of why your Sunbeam heated blanket might be flashing a red light after washing, let’s move on to effective troubleshooting methods in the next section. These steps will help you address the issue and restore your blanket’s functionality.

Steps to Troubleshoot the Issue

Experiencing a flashing red light issue with your Sunbeam heated blanket after washing can be frustrating. However, fear not! We’ve compiled a list of steps to help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Follow these guidelines to get your blanket back to its cozy and functional state:

1. Ensure Proper Drying

  • After washing, make sure your Sunbeam heated blanket is completely dry before proceeding.
  • Hang it up or lay it flat in a well-ventilated area until it is thoroughly dry.
  • Avoid reconnecting the blanket to the power source until you’re certain it’s moisture-free.

2. Check the Power Connection

  • Ensure that the plug is securely inserted into the socket.
  • Try plugging the blanket into a different power outlet to rule out any issues with the original socket.

3. Reset the Blanket

  • Disconnect the power cord from both the electrical outlet and the control unit.
  • Wait for a few minutes before reconnecting the blanket and turning it back on.
  • This reset process can often resolve temporary glitches and eliminate the flashing red light.

4. Inspect the Control Unit

  • Examine the control unit for any visible damage, loose wires, or bent pins.
  • If you notice any issues, it’s advisable to contact Sunbeam customer support or seek professional assistance.

5. Review the User Manual

  • Consult the user manual that came with your Sunbeam heated blanket.
  • Look for troubleshooting instructions specifically related to the flashing red light issue.
  • The manual may provide model-specific steps to help you address the problem effectively.

6. Seek Sunbeam Customer Support

  • If the flashing red light issue persists despite your efforts, reach out to Sunbeam’s customer support team.
  • Explain the problem, provide them with the model details, and follow their guidance for further assistance or warranty coverage.

Remember, every model might have specific troubleshooting instructions, so consult your user manual and don’t hesitate to seek help from the manufacturer when needed. Soon enough, you’ll be able to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your Sunbeam heated blanket without any flashing red light interruptions.

The Washing Process for Sunbeam Heated Blankets

Properly washing your Sunbeam heated blanket is crucial to maintain its performance and extend its lifespan. By following the correct washing process, you can keep your blanket fresh, clean, and in excellent condition.

Here’s a helpful step-by-step guide to washing your Sunbeam heated blanket:

  • Unplug and detach the controller. Before washing, ensure that the electric blanket is unplugged from the power source. Detach the controller if it’s removable. The controller should not be submerged in water or put in the washing machine.
  • Check for any damage. Inspect the electric blanket for any visible signs of damage, such as frayed wires or loose connections. If you notice any damage, do not attempt to wash the blanket. Instead, contact the manufacturer for further guidance.
  • Spot clean if necessary. If there are localized stains or spills on the blanket, you can spot clean them using a mild detergent and a clean cloth. Gently blot the affected area, being careful not to saturate the blanket or get water near the electrical components. Read more on how to safely clean an eclectic blanket.
  • Read the care instructions. Review the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for your electric blanket. These instructions may include specific guidelines for washing, drying, and temperature settings.
  • Drying. Carefully press down on the blanket to remove excess water. Avoid twisting or wringing the blanket, as it can damage the heating elements. Electric blankets should not be tumble dried. Instead, lay the blanket flat on a clean and dry surface or hang it to air dry. Ensure that the blanket is completely dry before storing or using it again.
  • Reattach the controller and test. Once the blanket is fully dry, reattach the controller if it’s removable. Plug the blanket into a power source and test it to ensure it’s working properly before use.

Remember to always consult the specific washing guidelines provided by Sunbeam for your model, as proper care is essential. With a clean and well-cared-for blanket, you can enjoy cozy nights and soothing warmth for years to come.

Prevention and Maintenance Tips

To ensure the longevity and performance of your Sunbeam heated blanket, it’s important to incorporate preventive measures and proper maintenance into your routine. With these helpful tips, you can minimize the occurrence of issues and keep your blanket in top-notch condition.

Let’s explore some key preventive steps and maintenance practices:

1. Regular Inspections

Perform periodic inspections of your Sunbeam heated blanket to check for any visible damage, loose connections, or signs of wear.

Look out for frayed wires, worn-out fabric, or any abnormalities in the control unit.
If you notice any issues, discontinue use and contact Sunbeam customer support for guidance.

2. Follow Washing Guidelines

Adhere to the manufacturer’s washing instructions specific to your Sunbeam heated blanket model.

Use a gentle cycle, mild detergent, and the recommended water temperature to prevent damage to the heating elements.

Always ensure that the blanket is completely dry before reconnecting the power cord.

3. Store with Care

When not in use, store your Sunbeam heated blanket in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area.
Avoid folding or creasing the blanket excessively to prevent damage to the internal wiring.
Consider using a storage bag or a dedicated space to protect the blanket from dust and potential snags.

4. Keep Pets Away

While it’s tempting to snuggle up with your furry friends, it’s best to keep them off your Sunbeam heated blanket.

Pet hair, claws, and excessive movement can potentially damage the fabric and compromise the blanket’s functionality.

5. Store Safely during Off-seasons

If you won’t be using your Sunbeam heated blanket for an extended period, store it in a safe place away from direct sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures.

Read more on how to store an electric blanket when not in use.

6. Regularly Inspect and Test

Routinely check the functionality of your Sunbeam heated blanket, especially before each use.

Ensure that the controls are working properly and there are no signs of a flashing red light or abnormal behavior.

If you notice any irregularities, discontinue use and consult Sunbeam’s customer support.

Remember, proper care and attention are key to ensuring a comfortable and reliable experience with your heated blanket.

Taking proper care of your Sunbeam heated blanket is crucial for its longevity and optimal performance. Remember to consult the user manual for specific instructions and contact Sunbeam’s customer support if needed.

With regular maintenance and care, your Sunbeam heated blanket will continue to provide you with comforting warmth whenever you need it.